Wish I Had Not Strolled Down Memory Lane

While shopping for items to fill the gift bag for the senior citizen I adopted for Christmas, I chanced upon something in the dollar store my hands could not resist. While I was buying gifts like puzzle books, toiletries, cookies and pudding cups I turned a corner and there were the Cracker Jacks.

Wahoo! What a deal! Three small boxes banded together for only $1.00! I couldn’t wait to get back to the office. Around mid-afternoon I tore the box open, poured the contents on a paper plate and commenced to noshing.

They were NOT as good as I remember.
#1 none of the peanuts had candy coating
#2 much of the candy coating tasted like slightly burned sugar
#3 the prize was a cheesy piece of paper with a baseball trivia fact.

I sat at my desk in misery knowing I couldn’t pick my teeth in the office. I remained miserable until the public was gone from view.

I am sending the remaining two boxes home with our children’s director. I learned my lesson. What you remember as being scrumptious when young, you're going to pay for it when you're old. 

Where did I put that floss?