A Dose of New Adventure on the Job

Well, my job description just got a little more interesting. Debra Hodapp, a Children's Day Out teacher, called me over to her side of the building. I thought she was saying she had a creep at the back of her classroom. (There are windows on both walls.) I was prepared to call the police. I arrived to find her sitting up on a classroom table keeping her eyes on the intruder.
She had a SNAKE in the classroom. I got a broom, moved furniture and swept him out the back door with him turning around and lunging at me. I just kept whacking him with the broom until I had him off the sidewalk and in the grass. I whacked him several more times, then pinned him down with the broom until someone could lend aid. 
Her daughter was standing nearby and noticed the arrival of my boss. He was standing on the sidewalk across the lot and talking on his phone. He sees her waving frantically and strolls over. At the sight of the snake he jumped back about 10 feet - just flew backward. Practically levitated at warp speed. He went into the building to find something to dispatch the creature with. He came out with the matching PLASTIC dust pan that belonged to the broom I was forcing into the ground with all my might to keep the ever-wiggling snake pinned down. Well, that wasn't sharp enough. I told him go get a knife from the kitchen. His response - "I'm not getting that close!!!!!"
He raced into the building again, telling Pastor Paula he needed something sharp. She said, "Well, the only thing I  know of is the shovel used to break the ground in the ceremony for the new building." He grabs the first one he can get his hands on and heads back to my situation of seriously straining to keep the creature pinned to the ground.
Super Hero Pastor Chuck Weber promptly dispatched him with the shovel and pushed him so far down in the dirt that I had to get pliers to pull the body out of the ground. Then boss-man determines it was a water moccasin. My skin crawled for the rest of the day.