I Told You So

I Told You So

Best words on the planet. Especially when you have been arguing with someone about a topic and you are later validated to be correct.

About six months ago I told Ramon that the garage was crawling with tiny ants. It was the same with the front driveway and the yard. He argued with me and said it was dirt. I stated that the dirt was MOVING. He ignored me. I observed that he was struggling with seeing a lot of details. He has always been a little lazy and let me decide on meals when dining out. That could also have been attributed to the fact that, before I came along, his version of dining out meant take out pizza, burgers, and whatever food they served in the bars he haunted. I didn’t realize it could have been a cover up for not being able to read clearly in low light. 

With the way his eyes looked I was sure he had cataracts interfering with his vision. I badgered him to get his eyes checked. He argued there was nothing wrong – typical male. The biggest problem with Ramon is the fact that he has never been sick. I kid you not.

We registered him for all parts of Medicare a few months ago. The first question they asked was, “What is the name of your primary care physician?” The Answer – don’t have one. After the insurance agent looked a little puzzled, the next statement of “I’ve never been sick.” totally baffled the man. The questionnaire with all the medical questions had all the NO slots marked. Never, Never, Never been to a doctor????  No. Never. No surgery. Quite smoking ages ago. So you see why Ramon had a tough time admitting something was finally wrong with him. Oh, wait. I can name a bunch of things wrong with him, but being a stubborn old goat who drinks Miller Lite as soon as Miller Time starts in the afternoon every single day has nothing to do with this eyesight issue.

Mind you, I was NOT the person who ended up convincing him to go have his eyes checked. He failed the vision test at the Department of Motor Vehicles. They refused to renew his license. He hated to tell me. Uh, let me correct that. He didn’t exactly tell me. He tried to blame it on the little box with the light chart. He tried to blame it on having the wrong reading glasses he purchased at the Dollar Store. The words FAILED the exam never rolled off his tongue.

I made the appointment. We went to the eye clinic. Ramon fidgeted. We finally saw the doctor and the prognosis was not good. Ramon was informed he was almost totally blind in one eye and the other was really bad. I didn’t resist the temptation to say, “I told you so!” I blurted it out immediately. The doctor turned to me and said, “I take it this has been a point of discussion.” No kidding on that one.

So we got the kit with pages of instructions. Guess what the first instruction was? Go to your doctor and have a routine physical and an EEG. Duh. We hadn’t chosen said doctor, yet. So I helped him jump through those hoops.

To shorten this story, Ramon had his first surgery. After six months of non-admittance of the problem, arguing there was anything wrong, and ignoring me when I mentioned it, Ramon’s mouth couldn’t stop telling everyone the story of failing the eye exam at the DMV, the doctor telling him he was blind in that eye, how easy the surgery was and how near-perfect his sight became!!!

Do you think he gave me any credit for trying to get him to address this issue? That would be a NO in all caps. Any time he mentioned it, I'd say, “I told you for six months.”


He finally had enough Miller Lite one night to say I was right and thank you. Unfortunately, it was enough Miller Lite he doesn’t remember that happening. Where was my recorder when I needed it? I could have made a CD to play back to him. It would have been like music to my ears. The words to the chorus could have been, “I told you so. I was right all along. I knew it. I knew it. Eat your crow and chew it.”

Yeah, I am that mean.