The Keeper of the Plains

Oh valiant warrior silent, still,
hailing the spirits of your past
as dancers move in rhythmic drill
while chant is called and spell is cast.

Arms extend to majestic skies
as eagles soar in sun’s bright haze.
No more to hear those battle cries,
he lifts his voice in song to praise.

With freedom bound by history’s ties,
Mankind’s time is now at hand.
He calls them to unite and rise,
for this is as the great one planned.

Mortal of might from ancient days
guides his people through the land.
Defiant of winds that ravage and raze,
upon this earth he’s pledged to stand.

Staunch vigil prays for peace to spill
and bathe the fields with blessed rains.
From grassland vast to rolling hill,
behold, the Keeper of the Plains.

The Keeper of the Plains
Cheryl Earles
June 28, 2009