The World of a Thousand Patterns

Recently I took a Sunday off from being the church musician to have a weekend of personal time. I had hoped to make a weekend trip to Fort Worth, but was still sewing on my granddaughter’s prom dress. I finally wrapped that project up on Friday. Now I had the matching purse to make.

I talk a good game when I say I’m going to be a slug on a day free of pre-determined chores and errands when I state I am going to sleep a little late, drink a whole pot of coffee while I catch up on television movies and favorite shows and float around in my bathrobe until I feel like getting ready to look human. Well, that never happens, and it didn’t on the Sunday in question.

My house partner returned from church to discover me in the television room with huge boxes open and piles of packages sorted in various stacks. I was in the process of doing something I had been saying I would do the moment I had a chance. I was sorting the collection of clothing patterns I had amassed over the years.

I come from a long line of seamstresses. I spent many years watching my mother sew. I stood at her elbow and bugged her, constantly asking when my new dress would be finished. By the time I was in sixth grade, she got tired of me bothering her and told me to sit down at the desk and start doing it myself. I did. Nuff said. I had learned so much by just watching her that I was able to tackle part of the project without asking many questions. I wasn’t perfect because real clean, straight stitching and sleeves set in arm holes require a certain level of skill. But, by the time I was in eighth grade I was making most of my every day clothes for school. Mother was still doing the fancy Easter and Christmas outfits. She even made purses to match. Of course, we were fairly poor, so the quality of the fabric we used made it obvious I was a little different from classmates whose mothers also sewed. They could afford the material that cost by the single yard, not ten yards for one dollar.

When I hit high school, all girls were required to take Home Economics. I was bored out of my mind. My first sewing project was a straight skirt with an elastic waist band, one seam down the back and a slip stitch hem. A totally plebeian assignment. We took our fabric to school on Monday for approval. I had my pattern for said skirt and a blue swatch of fabric and a red swatch. I received approval on both and took my project home for the week.

Upon returning to school on Friday to model our skirts, my teacher singled me out and told me to wait in her office. Everyone modeled the skirts and received their grades. My sharp eye noticed droopy hems, seams that weren’t straight - you name it, I made a mental list of the flaws. I was critiquing the whole lot in my brain while, at the same time, rolling around in my head why I had been sent to the Home Ec office. Upon returning to her office the teacher told me to come with her to the principal’s office. I asked why, and her response was that I wasn’t going to pass my mother’s sewing off as my own. I protested that I made my outfit. She looked at me sporting my full suit of a lined skirt with a zipper, a lined jacket and a cute blouse that coordinated. I tried to explain that I had been sewing since sixth grade, but she wasn’t hearing it. We marched down to the main office where she proceeded to call my mother at the elementary school where mother worked as a secretary. That conversation went like this:
Teacher (I had a better title for her, but will be polite): Mrs. Earles, this is Mrs. So-And-So with the high school. Yes, Cheryl’s Home Economics teacher. Cheryl had a project to make a skirt this week and I have a problem with the project she has presented.    
Mom: Oh? I know she worked all week on her project.
Teach: Well, if she did, she didn’t present it today for her grade.
Mom: Really? That’s not like her.
Teach: She came in wearing an outfit and tried to pass off your work as hers.
Mom: No, that can’t be. I didn’t sew anything this week. She made two full suits this week. A red one and a blue one. Which one did she wear to school?

Needless to say I had to look down and appear to be humble when I was actually trying hide my glee in my victory. It was tough to keep the smirk off my face. That teacher hated me from that day forward. We were both thrilled the day that class ended.

So, back to my project of the boxes full of patterns. In the process of caring for mother and closing down the house, I ended up with all of my personal patterns collected from sixth grade on and all mother’s patterns collected over a 50 year history. There were boxes upon boxes upon boxes. I quit counting after more than eight stacks of 100. I knew I had to give them away. The women’s shelter has a resale shop. It serves two purposes. The women have first pick of items they need to start over, find jobs and anything that can help them better themselves - all free to them. Actual sales to the public also supports them with housing expenses.

I started sorting. I held in my hands the patterns of years Easter dresses and remembered exactly what they looked like. I flashed back to my own wedding in 1974 when I held the pattern for the bridesmaid’s gowns. I made all the dresses for my attendants and the dress for my mother in law and my little sister in law. I traveled from the sixties to the seventies to the eighties with the big hair and shoulder pads. I hit a group I had started collecting years ago and realized I could not let them go. They were too classic and timeless. I set aside a pile of patterns from the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s. There were several that were the classic Jackie-O cuts of the sixties. The cut and fit of some of the vintage garments will never go out of style. Someday, maybe, I will do something with them. But for this moment in time, I was simply admiring their beauty.

Baby clothes and children’s clothes rarely change. Fabric designs and trims change, but the shapes practically don’t. Those patterns would certainly sell well in the resale shop. Some men’s shirts and vests also don’t change. There were stacks of costumes for Halloween and other holidays and parties my mother made for me and my two siblings. It was a whirlwind of memories. I stumbled on a group of packages in mother’s collection I wasn’t aware of – my grandmother Earles’ embroidery stencils. I had never seen her embroider, but there were patterns and stencils she had ordered from the Sears & Roebuck catalog, many were in their original shipping envelopes. It was fascinating to learn something about Grandma Earles that I never knew. I knew my grandmother Snapp sewed, but I am sure my mother was a better seamstress than her own mother. My mother’s tailoring was well known. She even made hats and collars and cuffs to change the look of her outfits. If you haven’t looked further down the blog to find the picture of my mom in a black bathing suit, you will catch on why there were so many of the sleek Jackie-O sheath dress patterns from the early sixties. She had stunning legs and a knock-out shape. Note that I did NOT get those genes. Drat that.

I packed boxes of patterns to give away. Things that were in too bad a shape, or were just pieces of mismatched patterns, had to be tossed. I kept the vintage designs that will remain ageless. There were three huge boxes to take to the resale shop. It pained my heart to let them go, but I did keep about 25 with thoughts of future sewing projects.

Back in the eighties I had my own shop in Beaumont, Texas. I rented two rooms from a lady who had a vintage fashion store on Calder Street. I netted several customers, one of whom became a regular. She was a local doctor’s wife who discovered me when she came by the shop to look for jewelry. She hired me to do several distinctive projects. One involved making her an Easter dress out of pongee silk. The silk had actually been curtains she had purchased at the sale of the contents of a French convent in Louisiana prior to its demolition. She had all sorts of unusual fabric that I reinvented. I used several of my vintage patterns to create looks that would be unique to her. When I had to leave the shop for financial reasons, I ended up sewing in her laundry room. There were several nights when I sat with her at her kitchen table showing her how to repair a snagged sweater with a crochet hook, how to completely hide a hem stitch made with knots that would never come undone and other projects. She made the remark that she loved the fact that the tables were turned and she was reliving a fond memory of watching her grandmother as she sewed and mended clothing. Here she sat with a younger woman doing exactly the same thing. She said she found it comforting.

Well, I finished the pattern project and was ready to make the reluctant trip to the resale shop. This was just one more thing in my life I was streamlining. I did bridal and portrait photography for almost 30 years. I just gave my daughter $3,000 worth of the latest, state of the art camera equipment. My eye sight has called it time to set that aside. I had packed my professional cake decorating pans, complete with the plates and towers for huge wedding cakes in preparation to give them to a budding baker. Books are another possession of which I have too many but just can’t let go of, yet. I will need to put the dogs in the car for a drive around town and burn the house down someday. I may not cry about the loss of this house, but the books will be greatly mourned.

And, like I said, I did keep some of the fashion patterns. Alas, this transpired on Sunday, so I'd better be honest. The Lord had already punished me for working on Sunday when I should have been in church. I scrubbed both bathrooms with a top to bottom cleaning. While I was cleaning the shower and tub of the hall bath, I heard the shower caddy slide on the shower neck, which has happened a lot. I usually just shoved it back in place, but I was bent over scrubbing when it slipped and didn't see what was coming next. Much to my chagrin, two huge bottles of shampoo clubbed me on the skull. Yes, I paid for not resting on the Sabbath.

So, I kept more than 25 of the patterns, maybe 50.
Okay, alright, it was more, way more.
If you hear thunder and see a flash of lightning, get out of the way. I’m going to be smoking.
I think the figure might be closer to 100. 

Hello Out There

I began this blog in 2009, at the end of my first full year caring for mother as she entered her losing battle with Alzheimer’s. I was beginning to get frustrated and feelings of loneliness and abandonment started sinking in. I knew life was only going to get tougher for me, and I was having a marital crisis of my own. I was working a high demand job that required the utmost of confidentiality and diplomacy. I felt like I was at the top of  a downhill road in a vehicle with no brakes. I was certain to crash at the bottom of what was sure to be a rough ride.

Writing has been part of my life for a very long time. I wrote news and humorous articles for the church newsletters, I wrote devotionals for the annual devotional booklet. I have written poetry for quite some time, much of which has been lost in moves over the years before technology allowed me to hang on to it.

I began posting pieces already written. Then memories of my life with kids, dogs and cats began to flood my noggin. Escapades with mother made writing even easier. You simply can’t make up anything funnier than the truth. Writing was a relief and the posts were a way to share the stories of my life with my friends and family scattered across the country.

Out of curiosity, I put a hit counter on the blog, never knowing the system had a stats page. The hit counter didn’t give me an accurate look at what was going on because it counted every time I opened it to make corrections, and boy, were there a lot of corrections! I was writing in a hurry at lunch. I was writing in the dark of the night. I was writing with a whiskey in one hand. Yeah, I just admitted to that. Oh, wait, correct that to a whiskey in each hand on occasion. Uh, maybe more than one. Okay, more than two or three. Alright!!! Way more than that!

I knew I couldn’t allow comments because many of my readers were connected to churches I either served as administrative staff or as the church musician. I have a couple of bikers in Oklahoma who follow the blog  (old school mates) and the possibility of colorful language had to be deterred. I only have a couple of followers who have clipped themselves to the blog.

Then I discovered the stats page on Blogspot. The stats page tells the number of page views for the day, the week, the month and all time. It includes the actual posts being read, the audience across the world and the traffic sources. I was blown away. I expected thirty to fifty people because I can count family and friends, and all of them are located in the United States. The only out of country reader I expected was my niece  deployed overseas. But the day I discovered the stats page was a mind blower.

Above and beyond the US, my readers hail from Germany, Russia, United Kingdom, Taiwan, China, Romania, Saudi Arabia, France, Netherlands, Ireland and Japan. Someone from Brazil just popped up overnight.The list is in the order of most viewed to least viewed. I know a few of my friends who read, but I am baffled about the others. I had no clue that when you Googled “The Poets Quill” it would pop up as if I had some tech person create a link on the internet for me. The first post that comes up is “The Trumpet and Other Bungles.” I was astounded. Then something struck me, and I became even more curious than before.

Who the heck are you people and how boring is your life that my goofy stories bring you to the blog for entertainment? Are some of you guys passing this along to your buddies saying, “Here’s a story about some old lady in a restroom stall trying to start a new roll of toilet paper with her panties at her knees and her left arm holding her dress and coat up away from the toilet seat.” “Now she’s living with her ex-husband. That sounds crazy to me.” Let me just say – it can happen to anyone. It just seems that the planets align just right for some sort of interstellar pull to make my life more whacked out than most.

You know what I look like because there are several photos of me on the blog – one with Lil’ Buddy and the bio piece on the front page. I would also like to see who is out there reading.

I’ve also been advised to start a Twitter account for my readers. I set one up. I haven't tinkered around with it enough to know anything about it, but check me out. Watch for that hash tag thingy to show up soon. I think I need to make a trip to Fort Worth to have a Twitter training session with my daughter and her techno-geek husband. I'll be a Techno-Granny in no time. 

Please Explain To Me How This Man's Mind Works

As many of you have read, I am sharing a house with my ex husband. It is not as bizarre as one could imagine. We help each other with many tasks. He does the yard and the trash. I do the house, most of the cooking and the cleaning. He will do anything I ask, which includes running errands.

However, I am almost at my last thread on the rope of patience with him being under my feet on the days I am not working. He is bored out of his mind with nothing to do. Consequently, he is trying to drive me completely out of my mind in the process. Here is the typical day:
1 Him: I’m going to get a couple of gallons of water. Do you need anything else?
Me: No
He returns to the house and watches a game show.
Thirty minutes later:
2 Him: I’m going to get the mail and buy dog food. Do you need anything?
Me: No
He returns to the house and watches a game show.
Thirty minutes later:
3 Him: I am going to check my lottery tickets. Do you need anything?
Me: No
He returns to the house and watches the news.
Thirty minutes later:
4 Him: I’m going to buy beer. Do you need anything?
Me: No
He returns to the house and watches a game show.
Thirty minutes later:
5 Him: After this game show I’m going to clean the yard. Do you need any help in the house?
Me: No
He comes back into the house.
Thirty minutes later:
6 Him: I’m going to clean the barbeque pit so we can grill. Do you want me to get something else to grill?
Me: No
He comes back into the house.
Thirty minutes later:
7 Him: I’m going to wash a load of laundry. Do you have anything to wash?
Me: No
8 Him: I have the grill ready. What time do you want to grill? Tell me when to start the fire. I’m not rushing you, just letting you know.
He watches evening news and chimes from the living room, “Tell me when to start the fire. No Hurry. Just whenever.”

Okay, so now we get to read the real answers I would like to give:
1 Him: I’m going to get a couple of gallons of water. Do you need anything else?
Me: Can you buy enough water to create a lake I can drown in?
2 Him: I’m going to get the mail and buy dog food. Do you need anything?
Me: Rat Poison. It’s the main spice I’m going to put on my dinner tonight.
3 Him: I am going to check my lottery tickets. Do you need anything?
Me: Win enough for me to split with you and move as far away as possible.
4 Him: I’m going to buy beer. Do you need anything?
Me: You forgot the rat poison on your last trip. If you can’t find rat poison, score me some drugs and alcohol to put me out of my misery.
5 Him: After this game show I’m going to clean the yard. Do you need any help?
Me: God, please give me a bigger yard to keep him out of the house longer.
6 Him: I’m going to clean the barbeque pit so we can grill. Do you want me to get something else to grill?
Me: I told you we have too much food already. If you need an excuse to go to the store buy me some ammonia and bleach. I hear that, when mixed together, they make a wonderful fogger for your bedroom.
7 Him: I’m going to wash a load of laundry. Do you have anything to wash?
Me: I wouldn’t trust you with my good clothes.
8 Him: I have the grill ready. What time do you want to grill? Tell me when to start the fire. I’m not rushing you, just letting you know.
He watches evening news and chimes from the living room, “Tell me when to start the fire. No Hurry. Just whenever.”
Me: Would you just shut up? God give me a full time job. Maybe I’ll win the lottery tomorrow and run for the hills.

I would rather have a starving man bothering me than a bored one. And I am baffled with how his mind works. I know he lived a poor life as a child. He quit school at 14 to work in the fields with his father. However, he overcame poverty and advanced in the construction world to make great money.

So why does he hang on to a box of cowboy boots decades old that I told him to throw away months ago. His logic? (And the question mark is intentional.) They could still be good. Put new soles on them and clean them up. You know, like he is going to do that one day this week, or the next, or in his next life.

He has a pair of dress shoes at least eleven years old that have the sole splitting away from the upper part of the shoe. He put them on to wear to church one Sunday. I pointed him back to his room. 

Our garage is full of buckets of rusted bolts, nuts and metal parts I don’t recognize. We have enough stuff to dress a crane to erect a skyscraper. His plan? He’s going to sort it all out and take it to the metal recycle place for beer money. Again, like that is going to happen in this life or the next.

Then there is the little horse barn in the back yard that came with the house. It had boxes full of junk until I gave him an ultimatum to clean it out. Stuff surfaced for days. I helped him load an engine in the back of the  truck. This was a car engine that had to be hoisted up via a strap over a tree limb. It took us all morning, but that was the first truck load actually taken to the dump. I danced with glee as he drove away with it. I was literally shaking my booty.

In the moving process I decided to take the gate from my grandmother’s garden out of the storage building so I could clean it, paint it and hang it on the back wall of the house for décor for a planned patio area. It is a lovely gate that was damaged in Hurricane Katrina. My niece welded new metal bars to replace the damaged areas, so it looks almost new. Years ago I wrote a poem about a gate leading to a garden. It was inspired by a lovely place in the Boston area I visited. The poem is posted on the blog and is titled “The Gateway to My Garden.” I actually had some of the words from the poem swirling around in my head as I cleaned the gate.

I turned my back five minutes to make a trip inside while the gate dried. I returned to discover that THE MAN in my house had decorated it.

Can anyone out there figure this one out?

Just a Plate

Psalm 139:14
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, that I know you well. 

Many years ago I had a friend who owned a Chinese import shop. Her name was Kathy. I can still see her beautiful, timeless face and hear her voice. While I have lost track of her over the past twenty five years, I have something that will tie me to her forever – a set of irreplaceable china dishes.

Kathy used to return home to Taiwan every year to shop for her retail store. Her husband claimed she only went to buy pearl jewelry, the stuff for the shop was merely an excuse. Visiting family was another perk for these shopping sprees. Among parents, siblings and cousins Kathy had a very special uncle. He hand painted china dishes for very special patrons. The story surrounding the dishes is as unique as the dishes themselves.

When a marriage occurs between socially prominent families, it is the tradition of that region for the couple, or an artist, to design a china pattern exclusive to this newly-founded family. The china is molded, an artist paints them, and the family is the sole owner of the design (like a crest) until the pattern is released for public production. Followers of the family may then purchase the dishes produced as plastic ware for every day use.

I have the real thing.

On one of Kathy’s trips to visit family and shop for the business, she stopped by the shop of the uncle who was one of these exclusive china artists. He was painting a most unusual set of dishes. Against one wall was a table stacked with quite a number of pieces, against the other wall was a larger stack.  Kathy remarked on the wild pattern with the vivid colors of oriental fruit and flowers. She asked about the family who ordered them and was told their story. Then she asked why there were two tables full of dishes. He pointed to the stack on the right and said, “Those are trash.” “Trash? Why?” she asked. He picked up several pieces and pointed out flaws in the border pattern, flaws in the paint flow where the paint was too thick and created too much texture. He pointed where his finger prints could be clearly seen where he touched them before they were dry. She asked what he was going to do with the discarded pile of china. His reply was to throw them away. She was quick to ask him if she could have the so-called trash. Since he was certain the dishes would go to the United States, there would be no reason to worry about the duplicates causing a problem with the exclusivity of the set in Taiwan.

She returned to the states and quickly called me. “Guess what I have in the shop? I brought home some dishes that made me think of you.” I zipped over to the store and was, well, let’s just say, surprised. I am a pretty different personality, but the wildness of these dishes knocked me for a loop. As soon as I heard their story I fell in love with them. I was fascinated that I had the flaws to show people. I had the artist’s finger prints on my plates like a signature. Even though they are signed on the back, the prints were priceless to me. I showed them to everyone before I served food on them.

Years rolled along. . . . uh, like 35 years. My preacher at Addicks United Methodist Church of Houston, Texas, had a special program leading up to Easter. He asked members of the church to give up a meal they would normally splurge on during Lent and put money in a pot for a food bank. He brought a plate that had been in his family, told the story of its importance in his family's history and encouraged the congregation to do the same. Several people brought plates and told the role the dishes played in their lives. The plates were placed on the altar rail. It hit me that I had dishes that had their own story. Then I realized something deeper than just the uncommon design and what they meant to me. 

I stood before the congregation and told the tale of my friend’s trip to Taiwan, her visit to her uncle, the story of the dishes and how they came to be in my hands. I showed them the flaws and told about the finger prints reflected on most of the pieces. I admitted that I was more impressed about owning something no one but the original owners had in their possession. But the main thing the dishes revealed to me is that the marks of the artist are clearly seen.

Then it really hit me. . . I only hope I have lived my life such that the “finger prints” and impressions of my creator are clearly visible upon me for all to see. A simple plate gave me pause to think about my life.